Who Inspires?

  Happy Friday!  Today I thought I would talk a little bit about where I get my inspiration from when I create.  Specifically there are people who inspire me to do more, create more and sometimes even try things out of my comfort zone.
Let me begin by saying that if you know me, you know I believe everyone has talent and creativity.  I think it can come in many forms including, but not limited to, traditional crafting, cooking, writing, singing and acting.  It is the “thing” that makes you happy, your “go to” for joy or what allows you to express yourself.  Granted, it takes some longer than others to tap into their own creativity, but make no mistake it’s in there!
So, on to some people who make my heart sing, turn on my creativity and get the creative juices flowing:
timTim Holtz: From past posts, you know I adore Timmy.  He is an artist who captures my heart because he appreciates the old, tattered and vintage-ness (is there such a word) of days gone by.  Because so much of his interest lies in the vintage, it is difficult to find or purchase some of the items because of their age, he reproduces a wonderful assortment of useful, vintage products.  That says nothing about his stamps, inks, paints and useful crafting tools. His videos are very helpful, with fun, creativity and technique all thrown in the mix.  So worth checking him outheadshot 1!
One Lucky Day: Paula is such a creative soul, who also values the days of yesterday. She is also part of Tim’s creative team and seems to share the same type of mission:  to spread their creativity to inspire others.  She always has fun projects on her blog, incorporating Tim’s goods as well as Ranger products and usually includes step by step instructions if you want to duplicate her projects.  Worth a view.
774620_10200262520596259_1433923115_oPaper Phenomenon:  Let’s just say Kathy King rocks the world of handmade scrapbooking.  For those of you who have never checked out her site, it is a MUST SEE!  With typewriters, gas pumps, doll houses, purses and pet beds and so many more (including handmade cards) her scrapbooking projects are mind blowing.  What I love too, is Kathy is such a positive teacher (she has regular shows on her blog channel) and truly encourages everyone to at least try her creations because they range from beginner to master crafter.  After taking a class from her, I believe she truly lives these words ..Kathy says, “Paper Phenomenon allows me the unique opportunity to be creative every day. I have found my calling. I love what I do and I am passionate about it!”She designs, takes photos and writes very detailed, easy to follow tutorials as well as having the option to purchase the rights to reproduce, sell and teach her creations.   Even if you think you will not make a mini scrapbook, her site is worth a look see to inspire you!  If you can catch a live class, on her blog,  its always a good time with many laughs and lots of kind, creative people!
6a011570479cdc970b01a73ddc7512970d-320wiThe Gentleman Crafter:  Jim was an architect in his past life because his creations are actual mini reproductions of very memorable items..  Lunch boxes, Ferris wheels, Fortune Telling Booths, to simple envelope scrapbooks, Jim has a sweet southern way of convincing you to “give it a try”.  I had a class with him last summer and he was an amazing teacher who truly worked with each student, helping them achieve success!  Also, Jim is incredibly humble about his talent and is very approachable , no matter what your question or concern.  He is just fun to be around!  Check him out!
My Sisters Scrapper:Ginger-Profile-Pic-150x150  Ginger is just plain ole talented!  She shares her scrapbooking and card creations on her youtube channel with an ease that is so inviting.  Kinda like sitting at a girlfriend’s house as she shows you her latest creative endeavor.  Her instructional videos are easy to follow and very well done.  Ginger’s work would be a great starting point including her Toilet Paper Roll scrapbook or envelope mini, because you can finish a project quickly with a huge sense of accomplishment!  If you are curious, want to try something simple, with easy to follow instructions…Gingers your gal!
These are my top picks for inspiring, creative people!  I know that if you need inspiration, ideas or just want to view amazing projects, the five people I follow religiously are worth your time!  I promise you will not regret getting lost in their passion for creating!
Have a great weekend!

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