Supporting Artists

Ok…its true, I gotta say it….I LOVE a deal, especially on crafting tools and supplies.  Today I received a deal and had a chance meeting with another artist.  The story goes something like this:  I puruse Craigslist occasionally for interesting junk and came across a FullSizeRender-50Vagabound die cut machine by my favorite artist Timmy Holtz  (we won’t go there again).  When I checked to find out if it was still available, to my surprise, it had not sold yet.  Now people, we are talking steal of a deal for this $250 machine plus some extras, making it closer to $300.  Needless to say, I had to have it!  I went to pick it up from the seller who lives in an  adorable log cabin home!  As we began to chat, the seller told me she was a mixed media artist and proceeded to show me some of her creations.  Lo and behold I knew this artist, Laurie Bouta, because I adore and had purchased her pieces several years ago at a yearly boutique (Chickadee in St. Paul), where she continues to sell her art.  She was so sweet and extremely humble when I started gushing about how much I love her work and how talented I thought she was!  Her gals are so hip and trendy and her choice of quotes are perfection.  She even gave me a greeting card she designed and signed it for me when I requested .  I felt so inspired by chatting and sharing kind words with someone I believe is pursuing her dreams and living a life she loves.  FullSizeRender-49
But that brings me to something I believe is not discussed enough…..supporting fellow artists.  To pursue, promote and sell your creativity can be challenging.   Value on the outcome of a handmade piece can be difficult to place a price on, and the lay person does not always understand all that has gone into the actual creation.    Nothing is more irritating  than going to a “Craft Show” only to find that the goods were purchased,  made in factories and some one has slapped a button on it and now it is considered”handmade”! Therefore, I have always felt that if you are part of the cottage industry doing craft shows, boutiques and/or Etsy, you have a responsibility to hold other artists up and not tear them down.   I am not saying you need to financially hold them all up,(although if you can, FABULOUS) but a simple compliment costs nothing, but can leave  a lasting impression on artists.  It takes a level of bravery to put yourself and your creativity out there and the reward for that bravery should be met with kindness.    Ok…off my Tide box… just some thoughts on artists.
Also, if anyone out there has some spare time on their hands, take a moment to go vote for a local, fellow artist who has been nominated for Martha Stewart’s  American Made Artist Contest  :  You can read all about owner of Buttermilk Basin, Stacy Gross West, and her FullSizeRender-47creative journey.  Pretty exciting to say I know her and even won a tee shirt for offering myself as a personal billboard.  Remember, the more support we show to artists the longer they will be around…  Thats all for now people!


  1. Laurie Bouta
    October 7, 2015 at 7:48 PM

    Lola, you are truly gracious! It was fun to meet you today! how can I follow you or share this to my timeline on fb? You have a real gift – of talents and of words!!!

    • Lola
      October 7, 2015 at 8:23 PM

      Thanks Laurie! You can go to my FB page and hit share…that should let you post on your page! xoxx

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