Junk Bonanza and a visit with Timmy

Tim Holtz, me and Mario
Junk Bonanza was in town just last week with many goods to be peddled. Imagine a craft show meets an antique store with over 150 vendors at Canterbury Park. Oh, what fun my daughter Emily and I had! She is a graphic designer and sees things differently because of her trained eye. So to go junkin’ with someone young, creative and a new perspective it leads to limitless ideas to create my OWN products! When I go to events such as this, it’s never about buying the finished goods, it is almost always about purchasing the supplies to create my own projects and Junk Bonanza never disappoints.     Don’t get me wrong, the finished products are so up my alley because of the age and usually distressed state, but with all the dealers, and junk that can be purchased, my head swirls with ideas. The hunting and gathering of the supplies is part of the back-story of some of the things I create. Did you know that one of the criteria to be part of Junk Bonanza is that goods used to create products, (jewelry, furniture, photos, etc.) must be at least 40 years old? Can you imagine the story of old barn boards, who wore a piece of jewelry or what event a person would wear a old dress for? C’mon, much more interesting than something coming out of a factory! There are a couple of rules I try to remember when I do purchase goods to incorporate into my crafts. Just learned this thru years of junkin’, rummaging, garage saling and garbage picking (never to proud to dig!):
    Don’t pay too much…it can add up very quickly because people call it “antique” or “vintage” (and in some cases it is neither)
  2. UNIQUE.
    Be sure you can alter it in some way, paint, glue, add or take away something to call it your own
  3. ENGAGE.
    If possible, engage with the vender to get the back story of the goods you are purchasing (sometimes they are more inclined to give you a deal when they know its going to a good home)
  4. WAIT.
    Don’t buy the first thing you see…. unless you are ABSOLUELY sure you won’t find it somewhere else. I have learned the hard way and paid too much by doing this.
  5. ENJOY.
    Remember unless you are selling your creations, you are truly the only one who needs to love it! Own it!       image6
The bloody Mary and sangria was necessary after we ran into …..wait for it….Tim Holtz, my vintage crafting idol! After seeing the back of his right hand man, Mario, I took a leap of faith and asked him where Timmy was? Mario was so kind and to my delight, he led my daughter and I right to him! The added bonus was Tim was with Paula Cheney from One Lucky Day! Needless to say I was fan-girling hardcore! Thus, the reason for alcoholic refreshment! My vivacious personality came on pretty strong, but being the perfect gentleman, Tim and Mario, and Paula as well, all obliged me with photos!
Needless to say it was a perfect day full of wonderful junkin’, food, beverages and creative people!
Looking forward to the next junkin’ venture at Scout Vintage collective on October 10th! I’ ll keep you posted.



  1. Mona G
    Mona GReply
    September 30, 2015 at 8:31 PM

    Glad to see your dreams coming to reality. Let Roxanne Yelle know at All About Yarn. I’ll tell her to when I’m there next Tuesday.

  2. Erin Perez
    Erin PerezReply
    October 1, 2015 at 2:58 AM

    LOLAAAAAAAA!! I would be Flat Out Lyin’ if I didn’t admit I am just a tad bit envious!! I am Fan-girling the Fan-girl for sure!!! I Sooooo would love to meet Tim especially!!! Your going to take the World by Storm darlin’ and they will all be Fan-ning You instead!!! <3

    • Lola
      October 2, 2015 at 4:40 PM

      Thanks for the kind words! So appreciate the support!

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