Hello World!


Welcome to Vintology by Lola!

Let me start by saying how happy I am that you decided to stop by and spend some time checking me out.  I intend to use this blog to share my creative adventures, creations and ideas with you.  I have always had a interest, but perhaps obsession would be a more appropriate word, with creating…although back in the day we used to call it “crafting”. I believe this obsession began when my mother signed me up for stitching on plastic canvas at the Art Center in Milwaukee  (that’s right….you are reading a blog by a Sconnie who loves the Packers, cheese and a good brat) in 3rd grade.  From there it was needlepoint, sewing, crocheting, making barrettes (is my age showing???) and anything else I could get my hands on to create.  I have been told, although I never met her, I am my father’s mother, Elsie.  She collected buttons, made quilts, sewed and created homemade jams and jellies (all of which I do).  So maybe there is something in the notion of passing down a “creativity” gene……….we can hope!  So, this being my first blog post, I am hopeful you will visit me a couple times a week for updates and maybe even check out my Etsy site Vintology by Lola, where I try to peddle my creations.

Ta Ta for now…



  1. Ski
    September 30, 2015 at 10:23 AM

    Welcome to the exciting world of blogging. Looking forward to seeing you crafting insites and musings.

  2. Alison
    September 30, 2015 at 7:08 PM

    It has been a very long time coming and I am SO happy you are utilizing your crafting gift and showing the world your talent. Can’t wait to see all the amazing things you create on Etsy


    • Lola
      October 2, 2015 at 4:41 PM

      You are so sweet!

  3. Erin Perez
    Erin PerezReply
    October 1, 2015 at 2:56 AM

    YAY!!! Lolas on da Web Y’all and things are fixin to get Creative!!! I cant wait to watch You Grow Girl!!! <3

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