Getting back on track!

tumblr_m1vkakKPJc1rt1w2ro1_500Happy Pre New Year 2016! Greetings from the land of ” must get it done before Christmas and blogging is last on the list” land!  I had set myself up with a personal goal of blogging at least a couple of times a week…EPIC FAIL!  So, in the new year I will attempt  again, with hopefully, more success.  I did get quite a bit done when not blogging, including, but not limited to, crafting, a craft show, knitting, shopping and daycare for my precious granddaughter Hazel.  hazel6I also was helping out my pal Stacy at Buttermilk Basin when time allowed. So, I feel accomplished in some areas…but work is still needed in other arenas.
I feel that with some nice sales in my Etsy shop, I must truly focus on restocking some books, jewelry and new knit items. I love
crafting and find it to be a form of therapy but during winters in Minnesota, where we are indoors a HUGE amount of time, I find it challenging to reel myself in and focus on one project.  I want to create, experiment and complete everything yesterday.  I always feel like I need another 12 hours in each day to accomplish all the crafts I want to attempt! If anyone is reading this I ask, do any of you feel this way and how do you deal with it?
So,we forge ahead as the new year brings promise of new hopes and blessings and if you will stick around check in on my blog, visit my Etsy shop and/or follow me on Instagram (Vintologgybylola) you will see some new creations, fun photos and juIMG_0801-1st the life of a wife,mother,  grandma and girlfriend who tries to get it all done with a little help from family, friends and the Lord !

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