Christmas Crafting…..

Christmas+001_edited-1 Happy Friday!
Today just a quick post and reminder that we have  7 weeks till Christmas.  Now, although I do not advocate Christmas shipping, advertisements, commercials and the general barrage  of red, green and everything pine and peppermint this early, it is actually LATE for me and crafting for Christmas.  I usually have a couple of ideas and projects worked on and materials gathered by now. But with the launch of my Etsy site, I wanted a general variety of goods for general purposes.  Thus, the delay.   Now at this time of the year comes the blog hops, and creative gurus Christmas tutorials and pins from Pinterest and suddenly I am a squirrel with ADHD or hopped up on caffeine wanting to create it ALL.  I see projects and want to tweak and create instantly! .  And when I say projects I mean, like 100’s of new, fun and vintage like things I want to create ALL AT ONCE!  But, now that I have a blog and Etsy site, I must narrow my focus and concentrate on 8-10 things I will love to create.  And believe me when I say, it is like being put on a “creativity diet”.  Only a certain number of ideas a day (calories) or I will become overwhelmed by clutter, materials and ideas, and in the end make little progress  (losing the pounds).   Not really the way I work because having goods that are unique and well made are part of who I am…..and unfortunately there are only 24 hours in a day to complete these projects!
So if my blog entries are few and far between, just know that this squirrel is attempting to create many things within a short period of time.  Stay tuned for photos of my handmade goods as they become available.  I will continue to chat the mantra,,,,, “must focus and create” till the clock strikes 12 on December 24th!tumblr_lht5i6bMLb1qbdj40o1_400
Thanks for stopping by and please check out my Etsy shop for new products added weekly!

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